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  • Writer's pictureA Woman Of Her Words

The Bandit Who Stole My Heart

A true movie buff could not let time pass without including an homage to Burt Reynolds.

He was an adopted Southern boy, having moved from Michigan to Florida as a child. He was charming, witty, funny, talented—all the adjectives that describe a successful Hollywood icon. He paid his dues by working as a stuntman, TV personality, star, guest host and all around bon vivant. His nickname was “Buddy” and I have always had the feeling that he was one to all who came his way.

He was a large piece of Americana, and a huge influence on our male population. This was evidenced by my husband buying a Trans Am and growing a mustache after Burt had done the same. (I never let him shave the mustache.)

Burt seemed to have a good time though I am sure he had bumps along the way like we all do. But I shall choose to remember his distinctive laugh, his ability to make fun of himself, his never give up attitude when he had to take to using a cane. He was determined to squeeze the last bit of living out of the time allotted to him.

Of all his movies, I have to say unashamedly that I loved Smokey and the Bandit the most. We signed up for one of our county’s first “cable” providers. Back then they offered one movie for a month. We must have watched Smokey about 40 or 50 times, so much so that our daughter, then about six or so, still remembers the dialogue at her 40+ years.

So, Burt is gone, but ironically Burt will be with us forever – as long as movie buffs have a tape, a disc, or can stream or tweet. He will be honored, mourned and eulogized, but above all remembered fondly. Why? Because he always did superbly what we remember most. What is that? In the words of the Bandit himself - -“Show off.”

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