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  • Writer's pictureA Woman Of Her Words

My Birthstone is a Coffee Bean

Coffee is always a good idea. - Anonymous

Here are just a few of my favorite coffee quotes:

You should know that before 10 am, no matter what the question is, my answer is always coffee - Anonymous

Coffee, the favorite drink of the civilized world. - Thomas Jefferson

Coffee with a friend is like capturing happiness in a cup. - Unknown

I have measured out my life with coffee spoons. - T.S. Eliot

I like coffee because it gives me the illusion that I might be awake. Lewis Black

A Cup O' Joe

On my wall there is a plaque that reads: "Instant Human, Just Add Coffee." And that is about right. For decades I have imbibed in that ebony brew and enjoyed every sip! Often if friends call me early in the morning they know to quiz me as to whether or not I have had my morning jolt of java. And often they have opted to delay any important topics until I am properly caffeinated.

As a matter of fact, the thing that got me thinking about coffee is the cup I drank from this morning. It states on the side "Currently Caffeinating." I thought back to when my obsession with coffee really started, and I think it was age four. Now, I know there are some parents out there who might faint to learn that I was allowed to drink coffee at that age. But, I was -- after enough milk had been added to dilute it.

That did not matter to me for I had arrived, I was drinking that grown up beverage like my parents and I loved it. My infatuation only increased over the years, as I finally was able to drink coffee black or sugared or just how I liked it. I even eat chocolate covered coffee beans! I have a friend who visits the local farmers market when she comes from out of town, and almost always brings me a sack of dark chocolate coffee beans. Yum! (By the way, I was told by my co-workers one day that the coffee beans were superfluous as I whirled around enough without them!)

Coffee sustained me through my college years when reading into the wee hours was a must. But a strange thing happened. I still loved coffee, but it no longer kept me alert - - alas, I had become impervious to its caffeine. But even that did not deter me, I kept drinking coffee because one doesn't desert a good friend.

I heard of one lady who loved coffee immensely and when she opened a new can, she would hold it out for her children to smell and she would say "when you smell this, think of me." What a genius idea. I have done the same with my granddaughter, so I know I will be remembered often. There's hardly a place in the world you can travel to that does not have the wafting aroma of coffee nearby. And--I have read that scientists are still trying to figure out just what is in coffee, other than some wonderful antioxidants that they have been able to isolate.

And let us not leave out the social aspect of the brew. I can't think of one occasion that can't be improved by coffee. Oh, that I had a record of all the wonderful conversations, gabfests, work meetings, visits from friends and neighbors, that were accompanied by coffee. The smell of coffee is even loved by those who do not drink the stuff, never will--but they love to walk into the room and smell that aroma.

I recently bought myself a present, a one-cup coffee brewer. What a boon to existence! Now, at the witching hour when I want just that one cup of coffee, I can brew it within a minute or so. I can use grounds or pods, and the flavors, oh my! If you don't have one, I urge you to invest in this small appliance.

I told you it was an obsession or else how could one drone on so about a beverage?! So, as I sip the dregs of my last morning cup, and feel I can take on the day, I leave you with the words of Garfield, which surely must be our family motto:

"Give me coffee and no one gets hurt."

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