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  • Writer's pictureA Woman Of Her Words

Hiatus and a Redux

A Drum Roll, Please . . .

Hiatus and Redux

Hello out there in the great ether of the internet—I have returned. I guess you could call what I took a hiatus – or a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process. This also happened recently with a fellow blogger, a favorite of mine. She went off the grid for a bit, and returned to explain that a couple of trips, the holidays and just the general buzz of things deterred her from her blogging.

Well, I wish my reason for absence was as full as hers, but essentially, the holidays, and a general malaise overtook me and I, too, disappeared for a bit. To be totally truthful, which is a trait of all Sagittarians (to a fault even), I was a bit despondent, with a soupcon of cowardice thrown in. You see, my readers declined and in true Southern fashion I followed the rules of decorum and withdrew, thinking I was boring you out there.

But, some recent events have spurred me on. First, writing a blog serves me as much as any readers who might drop by. It is like a journal, a way of keeping some of my thoughts and memories. And secondly, it helps me to be an example. You see, just recently (when I felt the most dejected about my readership dropping) my granddaughter came to my rescue by simply stating I “should not quit writing my blog.” Now, I must tell you all that I have had a crazy life. It was packed with hare-brained ideas that did not pan out—though a few good ones managed to come to fruition. So, I can DEAL with failure, but I simply can’t deal with not trying, with being a bad example to my granddaughter.

Hence the second stab at this blog thing. I shall endeavor to entertain, inform and connect with you. If you are amused, entertained or impressed in any small way, tell your friends. Pass the name of my site along, and mayhap my readership will flourish. But, if not, do not distress yourselves. I certainly shan’t—I shall move on to the next chapter with a feeling that I tried and perhaps served as a good example to a loved one—one of those “hearts of mine outside my own body.” Thus I can not deem my efforts a failure in the true sense. Call it BLOG REDUX, something brought back; revived.

So, I’M BA-A-A-C-C-K !

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